Our mission began with the following quote, “A society where children, elderly, and animals can live as partners”.
Under this project, we dedicate ourselves to providing children the opportunities for a better future, by establishing a connection with a world where helping hands come together despite differences in age, nationality, race and gender.
The Local Volunteer Projects originated from our desire to correlate happiness and healthiness into the local communities. Through valuing and respecting the activities of the communities involved, we established a network that provides communities with immediate support when most needed.
We hope to create an environment where children can actively communicate with a diversity of people who are equipped with a dream, an independence of will, and the strength to overcome challenges, which in simpler words, an environment for learning. Through this environment, children become capable of living independently while simultaneously gaining the neccesasry skillsets for living within this society.
In order to convert Minatoku into an environment that is for everybody, while at the same time friendly and looks after the community, it is important to ensure the sustainability of this environment. By putting Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) into consideration, our goal prioritizes the development of a peaceful society. This involves strengthening the education and seminar research programms as well as creating a sustainable environment that connects multicultural perspectives through communication.