私たちについて:About Us

設立趣旨: Our founding principles:







We aim to create a future for children equipped with "dreams, critical thinking, and resilience." This is achieved by providing opportunities for intergenerational communication and learning across borders, enabling individuals to take ownership of their own lives, develop essential and transferable skills necessary for social living, and actively participate in society.

We approach our activities from a healthcare perspective as well. In collaboration with specialists from various fields, we strive to prioritize mental and physical well-being, creating communities where individuals manage their own health and support each other when needed. This fosters a deeper understanding of health management in daily life and disease prevention, enhancing individuals' self-efficacy towards their own health.

Our activities strive to create a world that reflects greater health for all individuals. This involves collaboration, promotion, and education in various fields that contribute to sustainable communities, as well as the strengthening of the community through regular seminars on SDGs (Sustainable Development Goals) and the cultivation of children who will shape the future through schools as the core, and the realization through learning fairs focused on food.

Through this, we aim to contribute to the creation of an inclusive and sustainable community where no one is left behind, fostering multiculturalism, intergenerational exchange, and regional revitalization, ultimately contributing to world peace.

Furthermore, we will introduce these activities to society at large and continuously promote their objectives and achievements. We will protect children and pass on these values to future generations in valuable communities and regions. Such activities lead to a better society and a better future.

We utilize the knowledge gained through experience to shape the future, inspiring children to dream and contemplate the future by sincerely engaging with dedicated adults. In collaboration with specialists from various fields, we emphasize the importance of mental and physical well-being, advancing the development of a happy and healthy community.

公式Official LINE Account

おもな事業内容:Main business activities:



① 学童活動(学習支援、子どもたちの居場所づくり)
② 食事の提供(栄養バランスの考慮した食事)
③ 交流の場づくり(多世代が集う居場所)
④ 寄付された食材を使用した食事の提供(フードロス、フードバンク、フードドライブ)

◆ Educational activities for children
We conduct educational activities for children in collaboration with specialists from various fields, not only healthcare professionals. This is an important initiative to address the challenges we face and deepen their understanding. The future is shaped with the younger generation, and they need support to become independent individuals who can think and act as members of society.

◆ Learning Fairs and Workshops through Food
Building a daily community is essential for mutual support in times of emergency. Based on experiences in disaster-affected areas, we reexamine communities and engage in activities to ensure that the connections forged in everyday life serve as a safety net in emergencies. Additionally, we regularly organize workshops in collaboration with embassies to enhance international understanding and create a future of cooperation and support among people worldwide. We also host learning fairs that provide opportunities for learning through food.

◆ Children's Conferences
We provide the following services and support:
① After-school activities (learning support and creating a place for children)
② Meal provision (consideration of balanced nutrition)
③ Creating spaces for intergenerational interactions
④ Providing meals using donated food (food loss, food banks, food drives)
⑤ Providing platforms for children to express themselves.

OHAOプロジェクト運営実行委員会:OHAO Project Executive Committee


代表理事   諏江 宏美
理事       佐川 新一朗
顧問税理士     添田悦子
顧問弁護士  小林 正憲(小林法律会計事務所)      


この度、OHAO理事でありました岩野竜(Ryu Julius)氏が、当団体の役員を辞任いたしましたことをご報告申し上げます。今回の辞任は、お互いの活動における目指す正当性に違いがあることから、協議を重ねた結果、双方の信用性を大切にし、岩野氏本人より理事を辞退する運びとなりました。

General Incorporated Association OHAO

Representative Director: Hiromi Sue
Directors: Shinichiro Sagawa
Auditors: Etsuko Soeda (Certified Public Tax Accountant)
Advisory Lawyer: Masanori Kobayashi (Kobayashi Law and Accounting Office)
Supported by the accounting team, interpreter/translation team, design team, and volunteers.

Notice of Resignation of a Board Member

We would like to express our sincere appreciation for your continued understanding and support of OHAO's activities.

We hereby inform you that Mr. Ryu Julius Iwano, a board member of OHAO, has resigned from his position. After thorough discussions, we concluded that there were differences in our respective visions for the legitimacy of our activities. To uphold mutual trust, Mr. Iwano has decided to step down from his role as a board member.

OHAO will continue to strive to meet your expectations and advance our activities. We sincerely ask for your continued support.






Regarding the OHAO Project, discussions and negotiations may occur externally without the involvement of the representative, Ms. Sue. Please note that any activities undertaken in such cases are entirely unrelated to the OHAO Project.

If you have any concerns or questions, please feel free to report them to info@ohao-project.com.

We sincerely appreciate your understanding and cooperation.

